Homeyer Engineering, Inc., Logo
Phone Icon (972) 906-9985

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TX Firm Registration No. F-8440
OK Firm License No. CA-6112

Engineering Services

Serving our clients and finding creative ways to meet their needs is the primary focus of Homeyer Engineering. Our philosophy is to enhance communications and teamwork to cultivate an interactive work environment. Our employees are committed to total customer satisfaction regardless of the size or complexity of the project.

We would like the opportunity to assist you with your design needs by providing the following services:

Civil Engineering

Preparation of civil construction drawings for street paving, storm drainage, erosion control, water and sanitary sewer improvements for the development of residential and commercial projects.

Site Development

Preparation of site plans and construction drawings for parking lot paving, storm drainage, erosion control, water, sanitary sewer, landscaping and irrigation improvements. We work closely with the property owner and the architect to integrate efficient grading and utility concepts into the overall plan for the project.

Bow Compass and Draft Plans

Site and Land Planning

Preparation of conceptual layouts in accordance with local development requirements.


Preparation of preliminary and final plats in accordance with local development requirements.


Preparation of the application and exhibits for submittal to the municipality in order to make a zone change request. We also respresent the client at city board meetings.

Flood Studies

Preparation of a flood study in support of a Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR) or a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR).